Often it is necessary to import because equivalent machines are not available from a UK source. However, Cambridge Dynamics Ltd., have in the past been able to redesign such products, providing greater efficiency, and a wider versatility and then supply the unit at a competitive price. This has led to increased sales through price advantage, increased product versatility, quicker deliveries and ex-stock UK spares. If customers require the equipment to be tailored to their own requirements, this too can be easily and quickly accomplished.
Design Capabilities
- CAD Design using Autodesk CAD/CAM Products including up to and including 5 axis simultaneous CAM. All of our CAD/CAM work is done by qualified engineers and design draughtsmen.
- Concept to commissioning of all manner automated equipment. Our systems have utilized pneumatic, hydraulic and electric actuation for tasks including handling, assembly, bending, turning, welding and cutting. Ask for a list of completed projects. If it can be done, we can automate it.
- Start to finish tool, die, and jig design and manufacture.
- Fabrication of work and measurement stations, check fixtures, frames, stands, and tables to complement our automation equipment.