- André Becker
André Becker- Managing Director
André is an engineer with 40 years of experience in the manufacturing industry, including many years at executive level in major international companies.
- Andrew Becker
Andrew Becker- Technical Director
Andrew has a BSc degree in Mechanical Engineering and has worked in various engineering roles since 2006 including the automotive component manufacturing industry. For two years prior to joining Cambridge Dynamics he was the Engineering Manager of a large specialist tool manufacturing company.
Father and Son team, André and Andrew Becker.
- André & Andrew Becker
Cambridge Dynamics was started in 1977 by Malcom Henson and David Patmore as a specialist machine design company. The company was incorporated in 1978 and in 1980 was the first company to move into the new Stukeley Meadows Industrial Estate in Huntingdon. The new 7000 sq. ft. space allowed the company to move the manufacture and assembly of the custom machinery in house, a hugely advantageous process which continues to this day.
- Newspaper Article – September 11th, 1980
In 2000 Malcom Henson retired as MD selling his share in the business to the then Technical Director, David Patmore. Cambridge Dynamics stayed strong through the 2002 and 2008 recessions and is proud to have emerged a respected name in custom machine building.
By 2012 David was looking to retire and the company was put up for sale. As a prestigious engineering firm Cambridge Dynamics caught the eye of Andre’ Becker who was looking to expand his business interests. After a careful process the sale was finalised on the 18th of February 2015 with David staying on to ensure a smooth handover and a continued focus on a high quality service.
Since 2015 the company has undergone a process of investing in new personnel and equipment and is ready to provide high end custom machines for years to come.